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Work Experience


2018 - היום

The secretary at the Tip-Taf Early Childhood Center in Holon
The job description is to receive a customer, provide a telephone response to customers, schedule appointments of the center manager, responsible for canceling orders and purchasing classes, contacts suppliers and orders equipment, collecting invoices and transferring them to an accountant and providing general care to customers

חג פורים שמח 🎉😍.jpg

2015 - 2018

The secretary at the Tip-Taf Early Childhood Center in Holon
The job description is to receive a customer, provide a telephone response to customers, schedule appointments of the center manager, responsible for canceling orders and purchasing classes, contacts suppliers and orders equipment, collecting invoices and transferring them to an accountant and providing general care to customers

2014 - 2015

I worked in "Laline - Cosmetics, Candles and Soaps Ltd." in a recognized position
During the period I worked as a personal manager of the area manager in the central area, providing clients with solutions and managing sales stands in various malls

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